This Passion Flower is my favorite flower right now. Well honestly, it's about the only flower that looks good. It is HOT. That "fry an egg on the blacktop" kind of hot. In the 100's these days. But I have to say I am in love with the BIG Blue Sky and BIG White Puffy Clouds. As I drive along the country road in the morning I usually have all the windows down and can smell the BIG fields of hay they are cutting. Did I say that everything in Texas is BIG? LOL
I read this quote today:
if you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it,
for it is not to be reached by search or trail.
Heraclitus said that, and he was right.
Life is delighted to bring you The Unexpected.
Are you delighted to receive it?
Indeed, belief in the coming of The Unexpected is the
genesis of hope. How can you hope for anything breathtaking or
exciting if you can only hope for the already expected? Therefore,
you must always think that anything can happen. Form your ideas
and your dreams within that framework! Remember,
God specializes in The Unexpected.
I welcome the pleasure of The Unexpected....
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